Logo of Oakwood Chapel
Logo of Oakwood Chapel

An Evangelical Church in Harlow, Essex

Special Events

Each year we hold at least three special events when we particuarly invite visitors to join with us: Of course, we always welcome anyone to any of our services or other meetings, but these are the occasions which are particuarly suitable for those who perhaps haven't been to church for a while, if ever...

Summer barbecue

We usuallly hold our summer barbecue in July, on a Friday evening, either just before or just after schools break up for the summer holidays. It's a chance to socialise, enjoy some games and one of Martin's famous quizzes, and of course burgers, hot-dogs and everything else you'd expect. We invite someone to speak for 10-15 minutes during the evening, explaining the basic truths of the Christian faith in an acccessible manner.

Harvest celebration

We hold our harvest festival in September or October. We ask everyone to bring along some harvest gifts, and decorate the church with them. We send all non-perishable donations to Mill Grove, and auction off the perishable items, with the funds raised also going to support the work at Mill Grove.

Carols by candlelight

We hold our "carols by candlelight" service on a Sunday evening in mid-December. It's a traditional service of well-known carols and Bible readings. The children and young people usually take part, either performing a Nativity play, or some other Christmas-themed drama. Afterwards, everyone is welcome to join us for mince pies.

It's also good to spend time together just enjoying one another's company and getting to know each other better. Two of the ways we do this are with our church lunches and church camps.

"Bring and share" church lunches

We also enjoy fellowship lunches together several times a year, where members of the congregation bring along a dish, bake a cake, or just provide a multi-pack of crips! Somehow, there's always enough to go around...

Church lunch (2024)

Church lunch, March 2024

Church camps

Every 2-3 years we arrange a church camp. We have been to Vauxhall Farm quite often, and we went again this year (2024). We spend 3-4 days away together, for a time of extended fellowship, plenty of fun and games, and morning & evening sessions of worship and Bible study.

Church camp (2014)

Church camp, Vauxhall Farm, July 2014

Church camp (2022)

Church camp, Charterhouse, near Cheddar, July 2022

Church camp (2024)

Church camp, Vauxhall Farm, May/June 2024